Monday, July 11, 2011

"A minute of perfection was worth the effort.
A moment was the most you could ever expect from perfection."

perfection never exists within people.
Perfection is found within different things from the eye of the beholder.
I find perfection in art.
It may be abstract.
It may be a blob on canvas.
It's all perfection.

My favorite art are tattoos.
They are beautiful on the skin and bring character to the person it is on.
A lot of people view people with tattoos as "tough".
Tattoos bring a rough edge.
Which, I think is a beautiful edge.

To me skin is just skin.
And to refer to last post.
This is only the costume we live in once.
For a very short time.
 Might as well appreciate art and contribute to artists by letting them make art on our skin.
It's just a beautiful process.

This is my Lucy.
I have created the design/shoes.
If I ever become rich, I would love to create these shoes.
She hurt like a bitch getting done, 
Took three hours and not even done yet.
I am so excited to get her done though!
Tattooing is perfection.


(photos: we heart

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